
The Holy Spirted

Decent Essays

On any giving Sunday, there is worship service that is taking place. There is one that will meet the taste of almost everyone. However, will the one that responds to the desires of human fancy bring us to know the true God? Psalm 96: 9 says “Worship the LORD in holy attire.” The thought behind this text is to prepare the hearts of the worshipers to see God through the move of the Holy Spirted. It speaks of the attire, but what is on the outside of the body should be a reflection of what is in the heart. The focus of the Holy Spirted in worship is what draw us to him. This form of worship in called Trinitarian worshipIn the Trinitarian worship, the focus is on the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirted).The founding principle of Trinitarian …show more content…

It is because of the ability is given to humanity be in communion with Christ that the atonement for sins can take place. Paul, the apostle, is writing to the saints who are at Ephesus he says in the Ephesians 1:7,”In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” Paul makes it clear it is through Jesus Christ and the shedding of his blood that redemption can take place. It is through this the processes of redemption that all who union with him on the cross will have the trespasses forgiven. Paul also introduces the aspect of grace. Titus 2:12 “Instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age” when God`s grace appeared it brought salvation to all men. It is important to know that God the Father is in His Son and his spirited and they are gifts from Him to all humanity. The only way for men to connect to God is to come through Jesus. While communing with Jesus, it is at that point that connection with God becomes

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