
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Typing Template for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for the APA 6th Edition Sheela Jose
Grand Canyon University:

HIV Known as a Communicable Disease
A communicable disease is known an illness that results from an infectious agent that occurs through transmission either indirectly or directly, from an infected individual. The human immunodeficiency virus is considered a communicable disease, and will be explored further in relation to the concepts of epidemiology and the role of the community health nurse. Epidemiology essentially responds to the questions of who, when, what, why, where and how of a disease and investigates the problem before everything is made evident (Grand …show more content…

The next stage averages a length of 10 years (Holland, 2013). During this time, many generally lead asymptomatic lives. In the symptomatic stage, the individual’s viral load levels go increasingly high, signifying that the immune system is weakening. Antiretroviral medications will serve as treatment, if it has not already been utilized already. If such medication does not help, or treatment is not sought out, later-stage HIV infection symptoms can manifest. This involves recurring fever, loss of memory, weight loss, and diarrhea for more than a week (Holland, 2013). Since the immune system is compromised, opportunistic infections become far more probable to occur. The last stage involves the progression of HIV to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). If the CD4+ T-cell count goes under 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood, and the individual is diagnosed with a condition related to HIV such as pneumonia, it is indicative of AIDS, generally (Holland, 2013). HIV is transmitted via semen, blood, breast milk, and vaginal and rectal secretions. An infected mother can pass HIV to her unborn child via placenta or during birth if the proper measures are not undertaken. Sharing needles can also infect an individual due to possible contamination of infected blood (Holland, 2013). There is no cure for HIV as of yet. Retroviral drugs are

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