
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot

Decent Essays

The nonfiction book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot follows the story of a young African American woman with cervical cancer. This woman’s name was Henrietta Lacks, and samples taken from her tumor have gone on to be a significant advancement in science. Although her cells, known as HeLa cells, have been responsible for life changing vaccines and information, little was actually known about Lacks for decades. This book raises many controversial subjects that leave room for discussion. One topic that is brought up in this book is the question of whether doctors should tell their patients everything they know about their conditions.
Currently, most people generally accept a doctor’s word as truth and do not question him or her. When it comes to the medical field, patients can often feel overwhelmed by all the confusing medical terms being thrown at them, so they tend to sit back and do as the doctor says. Healthcare professionals sometimes take advantage of this fact and withhold important information from their patients. For instance, a study conducted by Lisa Lezzoni, MD, and her peers states that more than half of physicians lied to their patients about their diagnosis to put a more positive spin on it (Lezzoni, Rao, DesRoches, Vogeli, and Campbell). Healthcare professionals should disclose to the patient any information pertaining to the patient.
Some people may argue that letting patients know every bit of medical information can create unnecessary

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