
The Impact Of Globalization On The US Postal Service

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The continuous changes in the levels of technology in different parts of the world is being fostered by globalization (Association, 2009). This is because of the ability of countries and companies to embrace new methods of production and management strategies that led to the better results in terms of efficiency and revenue. Globalization refers to the process of sharing information on technology and methods of management among people in different countries (Pollack & Adler, 2014). This process has been vital in determining development and production in different countries around the world. It is therefore important for companies to adopt and embrace new technology so as to maximize their output and perform at optimum levels. An example of …show more content…

The development of the computer and the internet has led to a lot of changes in different industries around the world. This is because of the ease with which large data could be manipulated to give conclusive results. The other benefit of this new technology was the ease with which communication could be carried out over long distances in short periods of time (Leonard, 2016). The speed and reliability of this new service led to problems for the postal service. The U.S postal service had a lot of responsibility in terms of delivering mails for people, government, and companies around the country. The number of mails that are being sent around the country has slowly decreased since 2003 (Leonard, 2016). This is because of the increase in number of people who were getting connected to the internet and using the computer. This meant that people could communicate my sending e-mails that were faster and much more efficient to use over long distances. The slowdown in use of the U.S postal service led to a gradual loss of revenue for the cooperation. This meant that the postal service could not efficiently foot the cost having a lot of employees in its service (Association, 2009). The company had to adapt to the changes in the business environment by in-cooperating technology into their …show more content…

Total Quality management refers to a long term approach by an organization that is aimed at improving customer satisfaction (Grady, 2010). The need to meet customer needs is important for the U.S postal service due to the emergence of new competition that acted as a substitute to their venture. These companies include FedEx and United Parcel Services that had the ability and capacity to meet the requirements and expectations of the people. However, the companies were operating at an unfair advantage as the U.S postal service was protected from direct competition (Grady, 2010). This meant that the other companies could not send urgent mails, and could only transport luggage that weighed beyond a certain weight. This protection was aimed at reducing competition for U.S.P.S. This is because of the huge number of people that the company employed to work in different factions of the organization. This meant that consumers who wanted to use the other services as an alternative were not given the choice. The company therefore had to employ total management quality so at to meet customer expectations and ensure there is satisfaction (Leonard, 2016). This was very important for the company as it aimed to improve on performance excellence for the company. The company also encouraged participation of other players in the industry despite the measures that had been taken to lock them out. This was in

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