
How Does T. S. Eliot's Influence On Society

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Literature possesses the capability to vastly influence the world, and those who find a way to impact literature drive the powerful influence. Few people in the history of literature publicized as many thoughts and critical views as T.S. Eliot, and by disseminating his opinions throughout the literature world, Eliot found a way to communicate new perspectives and tastes in literature (Worthen). Born in the fall of 1888, T.S. Eliot grew up to become one of the most influential poets of all time, as he found a unique way of communicating through literature. Sometimes referred to as the “keeper of the language” or the “model poet of our time” Eliot presented powerful criticisms of society, while brilliantly presenting his ideas through …show more content…

Beyond the poetry he wrote, Eliot drove the world to modernist views through essays and other means of literature. Containing stories, news, and opinions of both T.S. Eliot and others who wrote about him, The Letters of T.S. Eliot offer an inside perspective on Eliot’s life (Eliot and Haffenden). In Volume 1 of the revised edition of the letters Patrick Query describes how T.S. Eliot felt so much passion for culture and how it must improve (Letters, Volume 1). In the volume, the writer states Eliot started a movement to modernize literature all on his own. Eliot contained such a strong passion for making the world a better place, that as society generally acted apathetically towards life, Eliot strived for a culture where people actually inserted energy and passion into life (Poetry Foundation). Also, in John Worthen’s biography of T.S. Eliot, the author believes Eliot focused the entire masterpiece of Four Quartets on illustrating to his audience despite painful times in life, people must focus more on the beauty of life (Worthen). After addressing the aspects of society he believed needed to improve, Eliot wrote several poems on each topic which showed the beauty of his opinion and a more joyful culture. The Waste Land helps describe how to improve the war stricken world, and other poems such as Four Quartets and The Sacred Wood deal with other cultural characteristics Eliot strived to improve. Devoting much of his literature career to impacting

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