
The Impact Of Slavery And Its Impact On America

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Slavery has been a global issue for centuries. It is hard for many to believe that this inhumane form of servitude existed in America. However, due to abolitionist movements and services, like the underground railroad, many slaves were able to escape bondage or liberated. The underground railroad was a system of secret trails and tunnels that spread across American, from the south, through the north, up to Canada, and allowed thousands of slaves escape to freedom. When this is mentioned, most people think of Harriet Tubman, who was in fact an important conductor. However, this was a significant event in our history and by learning about it we can gain a better understanding of slavery and its impacts on America. Slavery had been a part of American history since the beginning. The first African slaves were brought to the New World by the English of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. They were used to help in the tobacco fields. This began a trend that’s affects can still be seen today’s society. As time went on, slavery became mainly popular in the southern states due to the plantations and the need to tend to them. These slaves endured a lot of mistreatment and neglect. Most plantations held tens to hundreds of slaves, leading to poor living conditions. Some lived in small, crowded huts or cabins and received little food. Slaves were often given weekly rations of food such as molasses, bread, and occasional game or meat. Mental and physical abuse was also present. They were not

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