
The Impact Of Technology On Children 's Behavior Essay

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Technology has taken over lives, schools, homes and this world. In this “Look at me” era, social media as made people fraudulent. Students’ real and virtual selves face contradistinction. Not only are people changing emotionally, their minds are mentally changing as well. Studies are showing that the Internet is effecting the way people read. The Net has damaged people’s capacities for deliberation and consideration. Technology has allowed people to wield ultimate power. Withholding all that power is very dangerous and has caused some to lose their lives. This generation is living in an anti-social world due to social networks. Therefore, the relationship between people and technology has created a negative impact on each other. Catherine Steiner-Adair started doing research on the culture clash our generation faces. She found out that the impact of technology on children’s behaviors in their school culture has completely faded. While technology has opened up a window of social engaging, it has also influenced abhorrent behavior. This new culture has obscured the boundaries of behavior. Students are becoming numb to others’ feelings. They share content they would never share at school. They speak things they would never dare to say to someone’s face yet students think it is completely acceptable to share their feelings towards others online. This problem creates a gap between how they relate in school and how they relate online. Technology itself is not to blame for this

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