
The Impact Of Technology On Our Social Lives Essay

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There is no question that personal technologies, such as the introduction of smart phones and social medias, have enabled greater connection in the social world. Not only have such means reduced geographical barriers that once existed between people, but have facilitated communication over distance, allowing speedy exchanges and flexibility in our communication. But, whilst technology has clearly brought our global spheres closer together, has this communication revolution changed the nature of interpersonal socialization? Are there negative implications of these new, and rapidly expanding technologies on our social lives? To evaluate these questions, I will analyse the impacts of technology on society through a range of arguments from prominent theorists in this field. Technology as a phenomenon is a complex and highly debated topic amongst sociologists. Not only is it hard to define, but the very nature of it and its development within society is a disputed topic. Technology can be defined broadly, as "the accumulated store of cultural knowledge about how to adapt to, make use of, and act upon physical environments and their material resources in order to satisfy human wants and needs (Johnson, 2000, P.325)" and it is said to have emerged with the marked shift in the focus of productive technologies away from the production of physical goods towards the manipulation of information. (McLennan et al, 2011) As the number of people holding white collar jobs (such as

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