
The Impact Of The Market Revolution On The Northeast And South

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The impact of the Market Revolution on the Northeast and South correspondingly effect one another. The Market Revolution affected many different classes in America. It also allowed many that had little money, to become very rich.The effects on the South in turn affected the Northeast. The South felt this through the Market Revolution in the cotton industry, slave labor and trade, as well as, in plantations increasing in size. The cotton industry made $200 million in 1810 just before the Market Revolution took place. toward the end of the revolution the cotton industry was making $2 billion in 1860. This is showing that when the market went through changes it benefitted the Southern plantation owners as they obtained more money for their crops. Also, helping the plantation owners make a …show more content…

The Northeast created factories to speed up the output of cotton goods and other goods. The biggest growth of factories was in the textile industry. More factories were made in order to keep up with demand. The factories also became more efficient with the use of machinery to speed up the making of cotton goods. With machinery doing much of the work, things become much faster and cost efficient for manufacturers. This dropped the prices of goods allowing for a larger profit margin. The larger profit margin allowed those who sold textiles to make more money. This also allowed many merchants a chance to sell their goods elsewhere at a lower cost as well. With the growth of machinery and the need for more people to help move and ship goods, wage workers became a popular idea among the working class. Wage workers were paid by the hour, instead of other methods of payment. Once the textiles were done they would be sent many places, but most of them were sent to the South as the slave population needed clothing as well. This allowed more slaves to be brought to the

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