
The Impact of a Story: The Boy's Life

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“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” This quote by Paul Sweeney describes exactly how I felt after reading and watching Tobias Wolff’s memoir This Boy’s Life. After I closed the book and once the credits started to roll, I felt as if something in my life went missing. I speak for everyone when I say that it’s impossible to walk away from this story without taking something away from it. Audrey Hepburn says that everything she has learned in life, she learned from movies. A quote from Groucho Marx stated that when he read a book, he brought something away from it. Even if he learned a new word or a lesson in life that he could live by, he at least remembered …show more content…

“So I do, Father. So I do.". Along with lying to Alice and Annette, he also did not tell the truth to the Father and Sister James. In the book and the movie we witness Jack talking to Sister James. She tells him all of her confessions. When he goes into confess, he tells the Father everything that Sister James said and not what he himself wants to confess. Lying to the priest, Sister James, Alice and Annette, and even his mother gave them false impressions which in some cases can make problems even worse. Not only does this memoir and movie have value because of the lessons it teaches but also because of the way people can relate to it. C.S. Lewis once said, “We read to know we are not alone.” When we read a book, our mind automatically try’s to find ways in which we can relate to a particular event or character in the story. Many people can relate to This Boy’s Life, especially teenagers. During the story Tobias Wolff, or also known as Toby and Jack, is a troubled teenager. He searches for acceptance by doing things like smoking, writing on walls, stealing things and also vandalism. In many of the scenes from the movie we see him smoking with his friends, and in others we see him drinking. Some call this type of behavior peer pressure. Peer pressure happens to everyone one time or another. Toby’s parents got a divorce and Toby ended up living with his mother. Since his father is in another state and he doesn’t have that

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