
The Impacts Of The Great Freekening And The Impact Of The Great Awakening

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It is often said that The Great Awakening was a movement that impacted the religious community forever. I would like to argue that people really did not change much after the Awakening, and they slipped back into their old habits after the entertaining revivals. I will be discussing what happened during the Great Awakening, and why it happened. Also, the impacts it had, and the influential people like George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards who encouraged this movement and helped it flourish. The Great Awakening was rush of religious recovery clearing through New England that expanded changes and church participation. Through the senses, people could now understand God’s truth. During the time of the Great awakening, the Congregational Church split into groups called Old Lights and New Lights. The supporters of the Awakening were called New Lights in New England and New Sides in the Middle Colonies: these accentuated supremacy of emotions. "New Lights": defense by confidence, vagrant evangelizing, energy, recovery, and radicalism. Old lights ultimately did the opposite; they would downplay emotion, and emphasize rationalism. Some of the people who were influential during this time were people like George Whitefield who had thousands that would venture out to see and hear him preach. Gilbert Tennent was another influential man during this time. His most popular sermon, "On the Danger of an Unconverted Ministry," contrasted contemporary hostile to revivalist pastors with

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