
The Impacts of Outsourcing Jobs on US Labor Market

Decent Essays

America has always been the leader in science and innovation. It has the best universities and research labs. Many successful entrepreneurs have been raised from this nation. Thus, it has to take benefit from these significant comparative advantages to generate new pools of jobs for its people. As I mentioned in the introduction, we should let history to be our guide to plan for future. Toward the end of the last century Japan was getting ahead of U.S. in most aspects of technology and industry including in automotive and home appliance industries. Most economists at that time predicted that in near future Japan’s economy would pass America’s economy, but this did not happen. Thanks to Americans innovation and ingenuity, the Internet was born in U.S.A which became the prevalent technology of the future and revived the U.S economy. Today, America is in need of such innovations. The world is in shortage of energy and the oil and natural gas resources are running out. Therefore, the price of energy will definitely increase. I believe that the capability of storing and using alternative and renewable energies in day to day life can be the next big discovery that is very likely to revitalize the economy and to create a new generation of jobs. Thus, emphasizing on research on alternative energies can be a feasible strategy to maintain a healthy workforce in the mist of outsourcing.
In addition, America should prepare its new generation for the jobs and innovations of the 21th

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