
The Importance Of A Stakeholder And Business Relationship In Business

Decent Essays

In order for a company to thrive in today’s world, a company must maintain a good relationship with their stakeholders. Having a good relationship with stakeholders means that the company will be able to operate as expected. A bad relationship with stakeholders leads to a large gap between the way the company is expected to be doing, opposed to the way it actually is doing. For this reason, companies like Apple, Starbucks, and Lego have found ways to integrate their stakeholder’s and keep them more involved.
A Company Must Know Its Stakeholders
Successful businesses are beginning to be actively engaged with their stakeholders. There are many reasons why a stakeholder to business relationship is important. If the relationship isn’t well, it may lead to many issues. If the relationship is going well, then it helps the business thrive and be innovative. Nowadays, there are many companies that have proven the benefits of keeping your stakeholders involved. In today’s time, it is very important for companies to be active with their stakeholders (How Deeply Engaging, 2011).
Stakeholder / Business Relationship Businesses have a relationship with their stakeholders. That relationship can vary from “inactive” which means that company ignores the stakeholders, “reactive” which means the company acts when forced to, “Proactive” which means the company anticipates stakeholders concerns, and lastly “Interactive” which means the company is in an ongoing relationship with

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