
The Importance Of Art In Integrating The Arts Across The Elementary School Curriculum

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James O’Brien once stated, “It is art that makes us more away of the human condition… its destiny and progress.” While reading through chapter 3 in Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum by R. Phyllis Gelineau I found out multiple forms of art and got a better understanding of what the purpose of the forms are. As well as getting that understanding, they gave multiple projects that fit in all the different categories. As a teacher bringing the arts into the curriculum is one of the most important things to achieve. Art allows students to get a better understanding of the topic you are teaching, as well as allows the students to express their creative side and maybe find their true talents. Almost any type of art starts off with a line. Paul Klee stated that a line is a “dot out for a walk.” Lines help create the pathway to a feeling, distance, depth and perspective. Later on, in the reading the author started discussing colors. Colors aren’t just a part of art that makes an object beautiful. Color can be used for emotions, meanings, as well as just adding a bit of extra feeling to any kind of art produced. The book gave an example that I found very intriguing. In a book known as Living with Art by Gilbert and McCarter, a detention center in California was placed in a eight-by-four-food cell painted “bubble gum pink.” It continued to state that within the first ten minutes the children in the detention center started to feel relaxed and became calm.

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