
The Importance Of Being Human

Decent Essays

Saint Augustine once said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” God has created human life out of unconditional love thus our lives are valuable. To be human is complicated and involve many developmental stages such as physical, psychosocial and cognitive. Being human and religious requires us to become involved in our community and grow our relationship in the community. We’re called to be good by practicing different virtues such as faith, hope, love, justice, courage, temperance and prudence. As a man, we’re called to be virtues and joyful. The Little Prince shows how human beings gets busy in their everyday life to make money and achieve happiness. However, humans forget that being happy is temporary and our goal is to achieve joy and to live life that is true, good and beautiful. Most people thinks happiness and joy are synonym of each other. However, in the Himes chapter 3, he talks about the difference between Joy and Happiness. According to Himes, satisfaction or happiness is conditioned by a thousand external circumstances,such as whether one had a good night’s sleep, whether one has a cold, or whether one’s breakfast was cold. Joy, by contrast, is impervious to all such issues (Himes 40). Joy is the ultimate happiness for human being. God is the ultimate happiness so we can connect joy with the God. In our lives, we have to make certain decisions that might have big impact on ourselves, society or everyone. In that situation, we tends to decide

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