Of the three main columns that were found in Ancient Greece, the Doric columns were the most simplistic. In the Doric order, the columns were fluted and had no base. The capitals are composed of two parts consisting of a flat slab, which is called the abacus. They also include a cushion-like slab known as the echinus. On the capital rested the entablature, which consisted of three sections called the architrave, the frieze, and the cornice. The architrave usually had no designs or engravings except for a narrow band to which were attached pegs, known as guttae. On the frieze was an alternating series of triglyphs and metopes (Hemingway). The metopes were stone slabs that were frequently decorated with relief sculpture. The pediment, the triangular
Match the term with the single BEST definition: (use each response only once; there are three extra answers) 114. Ionic D a. raised structure used to carry water 115. agora I b. column using female-form sculpture 116. mandala E c. Roman commercial and governmental building 117. caryatid B d. column order using capitals with volutes and a continuous frieze 118. forum H e. sacred diagram representing the perfection of the universe 119. aqueduct A f. column order using simple capitals and a frieze with triglyphs 120. basilica C g. Roman sewer h. main public space in a Roman city i. central market and assembly place in the Greek city j. tower-like gateway Match the site with the BEST description: (use each response only once; there are two extra answers): 121. Angkor Wat G a. ancient capital of Han Dynasty 122. Chang’an A b. home of athletic games to celebrate the gods 123. Olympia B c. Greek colonial town with archaic temples 124. Karli F d. mountainous sanctuary that symbolized the battle of human 125. Paestum C reason and nature e. Greek colonial town planned by Hippodamus f. rock-cut chaitya hall dedicated to Buddha g. Hindu temple built to represent the mountain home of the gods
Mythology was very huge in Ancient Greece. There are so many different folktales and myths
There were many different aspects to the Spartan cultural life which ancient sources and evidence have provided insight and knowledge for our modern societies. These features include art, architecture, writing and literature, and Greek writer’s views of Sparta. The Spartan cultural life also gives us knowledge into other aspects of Spartan life and the society in which they lived.
An easily made mixture of sand and rock, it was much lighter than marble, just as durable, and could easily be worked to form different configurations. This progression in material, and craftsmanship enabled the Romans to make the dome which still can be seen today. However, they did not stray too far from the Greek innovations; they also included Corinthian columns made from granite as part of the façade. The porch on the Pantheon has the same character as the Parthenon; it uses the columns to assist in holding up the porch roof. The Parthenon also used columns, called Doric which was not just the style of columns, but also represented an architecture design that gave the standing columns a unique look. Using the post and lintel system, they distributed the weight of the massive roof evenly. They were also used more extensively throughout the Parthenon, using an ingenious ratio of 4:9 which gives it a sense of harmony and balance. One difference they do portray is the way light enters inside the structures. With the Parthenon having columns that surrounded the entire structure, light was able to freely enter without obstructions. The Pantheon light source, other than the light that enters through the front entrance, is by a hole that is in the roof that is approximately twenty-seven feet in size. However, we
Socrates and Aristotle were both Greek philosophers who contributed philosophies. Socrates believed that all people contained real knowledge within them and that self critical examination was needed to bring this knowledge out. Socrates once stated, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In this philosophical idea, Socrates is suggesting that an individual, who chooses to not think about their own actions, does not truly care about their own life. Aristotle believed in the concept of examining individual objects and being able to perceive their form and establish universal principles. These principles did not exist as a separate higher world of reality beyond material things, but were apart of things themselves. Aristotle has
Ancient Greece had a major impact on the Western World due to many factors. Documents 1 and 2 reveal that the Western World has been impacted by political factors of the ancient Greeks, whille documents 4, and 5 show us that the Western World was impacted due to cultural reasons.
Written by the American School of Classical studies, this source is reliable as it gives detailed information about the artefacts that have been discovered in Athens including foundations of the New Bouleuterion and tools Ancient Athenians used in order to write laws and records the source included pictures of these historical artefacts. In addition, the source is provided by the American school of classical studies, the school access to research facilities and archaeological sites this then means that this source has access to primary source and reliable secondary sources therefore the reliability is enhanced. The source was useful in giving me understanding in the geographical location and structures used in the practices carried out by the democratic government in Ancient Athens. Whilst the information did give me insight into the structures involved in the democratic system, it was not used in my essay as it did not provide any information that can prove my thesis, therefore meaning the
The culture of a society, as determined by its political, social and religious structure, is a major factor in the development of its technology. Even societies that exist in the same time and environment can progress in different directions, depending on the interests and goals of the public. The ancient city-states or poleis (polis-sing.) of Athens and Sparta provide an excellent example of how cultural differences influence the development of technologies.
Throughout my exploratory essay, I found that there are many different perspectives when it comes to Greek life. I as a member of Greek life myself, feel that the positive aspects outweigh the negative. There are many positive advantages that come from being a part of Greek life. There are an abundance of networking opportunities that come from Greek life along with all of the incredible friends that you make throughout the recruitment experience. One may also gain leadership skills from being a member of the executive council and having to lead their chapter on a day to day basis. Being a member of Greek life also pushes you to be more involved on campus as well as in the community. Each Greek organization has a philanthropy that they support
Arguably, one of the most influential structures of Rome was the Pantheon because of its immense size, and the use of concrete for the massive dome. This structure was named the Pantheon most likely because Pliny the elder, a spectator during the time of Vespasian 's rule saw this and referred to it as the “Pantheum”. Although the version of the Pantheon that Pliny the elder saw is not the Pantheon currently in Rome, there are many accounts of what it looked like, and why it was built. Agrippa’s Pantheon, the version that Pliny witnessed, or the original pantheon was built during the Pax Romana. This was a time of peace for the Romans, and to lead them in their endeavors was Emperor Augustus. During this time culture flourished because of there was no need to worry about necessities. From 31 BCE to 14CE the Pantheon was constructed to honor the Julian clan. The result of this was a south-facing rectangular building, with the Thermae of Agrippa, or the Roman public baths to the south. This temple was decastyle, meaning that is had 10 columns on each side. Pliny also mentioned that Diogenes of Athens was commissioned by Agrippa to create the caryatid columns. Caryatid columns are much like sculptures, in that they depict a person, but this person is standing in order to form a column to support another structure. To much dismay this temple was destroyed in the
The Parthenon had sculptured panels along its exterior above the columns (called metopes) and sculptures in the triangular spaces underneath the roof line at both ends of the building (called pediments) and a unique sculptural feature the Ionic frieze which was around the top of the walls (wikipedia, 2006). The Parthenon's frieze depicted the Athenian religious ritual called the Panathenaic festival, in which a procession of citizens paraded to the Acropolis to present to Athena a new robe woven by specially selected Athenian girls, which was held every 4 years. The frieze showed men riding spirited horses, women walking along carrying sacred implements, and the gods gathering together at the head of the parade to observe their human worshippers (Parthenon', 2006). This showed how over-confident the spirit of the Athenians where, because they dared put themselves where ordinarily only gods and heroes might be found.
On a Doric column, the frieze contains a metope which is a section that is usually carved out and alternates with triglyphs. Triglyphs basically consist of a panel with three vertical grooves. Next in the entablature is the guttae, configured of a row of stone studs on the bottom of the entablature. Finally, the cornice makes up the top projecting section of the entablature.
Every idea has a start and a history that can be traced back in time. An incredible amount of these ideas and thoughts were started by great ancient civilizations. These ancient civilizations are the base of all modern knowledge. No ancient civilization has contributed more to this base than the civilization of Ancient Greece. The unique ways of ancient Greek agriculture have left a profound influence on the agriculture of today.
In Robert Garland’s book, Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Civilization, he illustrates what life was like for men, women, children, and slaves living in ancient Greece and the impact it had on modern civilization. Each city state of ancient Greece had their own rituals and beliefs that influenced everything from warfare to raising children. The question is, were these rituals and beliefs made up for the benefit of the state? Males and females had their own individual roles in serving the city state. There were rituals and beliefs specifically for children and their transition into adulthood. Greek children were raised and educated to be able to fulfill their roles to benefit the state.
The Romans also borrowed from the Greeks other major structural designs. On the top of a column on most temples and public buildings rested an Entablature. This is a classic triangular shaped façade, or front of a building. The Entablature consists of four parts. The lowest part is the Architrave, which sits on top of the capital or upper part of a column. On top of that, the frieze was typically decorated with horizontal bands. The Cornice forms the upper part of the Entablature and extols beyond the frieze on the sides. On the very top sits a Pediment, a triangular segment between the lower Entablature and the roof ("Architecture").