
The Importance Of Censorship In Schools

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Censorship is a threat to our intellectual freedom. However, many support the idea that books should be banned from schools. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech and press. The freedom of speech includes the freedom to have unrestricted access to information. Yet throughout history, the movement against banning books usually falls into three categories: political, moral, and religious.
With these disputes in mind, we will discuss the reasons we need to fight censorship in our schools. Children are growing in a world where they have access to information on various forms of technology that is both good and bad. Denying access to books deprives students and teachers the opportunity to share …show more content…

Judy Blume writes in, “Places I Never Meant To Be: Original Stories by Censored Writers”, about the effects that censorship will have on students stating,
What I worry most is the loss to young people. If no one speaks out for them, if they don’t speak out for themselves, all they’ll get for required reading will be the most bland books available. And instead of finding the information they need at the library, instead of finding novels that illuminate life, they will find only those materials to which nobody could possibly object. (Winkler, 2005) In the 1982 Supreme Court ruling on Board of Education v. Pico, ruled that “school authorities disapproval of materials or fear of misconduct does not supersede the constitutional rights of students.” (McLaughlin & Hendricks, 2017)
To say nothing of how this will impact our teachers and the capacity to teach is an understatement. We entrust professionals with authority in education to teach our students reading, writing, speaking, and listening. However, we limit the resources and flexibility to provide the best possible methods to reach all students. Mark Twain’s book, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, is frequently challenged due to the language towards the African American community. However, Jocelyn Chadwick, assistant professor at Harvard University, who’s studied Twain’s work, has concluded that Mark Twain was not a racist, but was simply using the language of the time. Chadwick, as an

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