
The Importance Of Choosing A College

Decent Essays

A personal experience that I went though was picking a college to attend. The years spent in college are an important stage in every one’s life. The years a student spends in college are used to prepare them for their future. Also giving many their first opportunity in the real world. Choosing a college that best fits you is imperative and can affect your level of preparation for a professional career. Your choice will impact the quality of education you will be receiving and will shape your independence. It is definitely not easy to pick a college. All the different opinions to choice from and factors that go into picking a college. I felt I found it difficult narrowing my choices down. The purpose in exploring this experience is being able to form a career once I am finish. Picking the correct college to mold my future.
There are many did factors that go into picking a college that best fits you. Size is an incredibly important aspect to take into consideration when selecting which college you want to attend. Knowing if you like to learn in a small classroom or a big one. A larger public university can have a more diverse student body, but it can also be difficult with the teacher no focusing in on only you. It can affect you socially if you are a shy person that feels uncomfortable in a large setting. A smaller college provides a smaller class which also you and your professor a more intimate relationship. The ability to make friends also became easier in a small college

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