
The Importance Of Attending A Community College

Decent Essays

I always said I wouldn’t attend a community college because of the stigma. I foolishly figured it was self-degradation because I was the valedictorian of my high school graduating class. My friend even joked, “Wouldn’t it be hilarious if you went to a community college?” I gulped and vowed to myself to never attend a community college. Yet, here I am, unashamed. I actually regret not initially attending community college. In high school, I graduated with a 3.89 GPA, I was a member of the National Honors Society, I was president of my class, and I founded the drama club at my school. I was even a member of the choir for four years. I joined the sign language club, and I volunteered annually for the Walk for Hunger. I did everything I could that counselors suggested to end up in a great college. “Be well-rounded,” they advised. Nevertheless, I enjoyed keeping busy; I enjoyed the responsibility and strong relationships that came with it. …show more content…

My attendance was short-lived, due to a lack of finances, as I did not receive many scholarships and my school was 1,147 miles away. Seemed as though my efforts were in vain.
Idle depression set in because I let school define me, and now that I could not attend, I had nothing to do. I was an undocumented immigrant, so I could not apply for most financial aid, I could not get a job or my driver’s license. I was just existing and harboring jealously in my heart for the friends who seemed to lead a successful life. I quickly realized this was unhealthy and found ways to cope. I volunteered for Let’s Get Ready, a non-profit for low-income students to prepare them for the SAT and college. This activity restored my joy for learning and

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