
The Importance Of Civil Disobedience

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Rules are meant to be broken. Is this true? For Thoreau, Gandhi, and King, it is true, for they all had reasons to break the rules and laws of the government. Each speaker kindled a movement that resisted injustice, and sparked change forever, through the use of logos, ethos, and pathos, the most powerful persuasive techniques. These three techniques are called the rhetorical triangle because they work so well together. Logic, ethics, and emotions are all accounted for when these devices are used correctly, which is evident in each author’s speech to push change in society through peaceful resistance. Thoreau, Gandhi, and King, speakers from different times, enforce the belief that civil disobedience is a valuable trait to promote social progress through uniting their audiences and revealing the injustices that need to be fixed. People are less likely to follow a movement if they do not understand the reasons and logic behind it. Thoreau, Gandhi, and King all clearly explain why they are taking a stand, and what government has done to ignite resistance, as well as make it known to the audience what benefits will come from joining. The overall argument of each speaker is apparent when Thoreau simply states that “unjust laws exist” (70). To invoke change, the audience must first understand that they are being wronged. Thoreau points out that unjust laws exists in order to prove his point that each person must hold their own laws above the government’s, for if they

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