
Persuasive Essay On Disobedience

Decent Essays

Disobedience has been a man’s virtue ever since laws have been constructed. As a progression that has developed in our society , it is safely to indicate that disobedience is morally acceptable by the common people. In order for change, people have demonstrated disobedience successfully to promote social progress, change is impossible without disobedience.Our society has failed to realize that there is no such thing a “perfect society”. There are people in our society who agree with change and would sacrifice themselves for it through violence and multiple times of rejection. Many individuals known as the majority simply do not like change. This majority is the group that construct these laws that we must follow. Thoreau states ,” A majority is permitted , and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are mostly likely right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest.” Although we do perceive the system as the strongest, citizens still use disobedience to challenge the system’s authority. Disobedience is a man’s virtue when our natural rights are being violated by the majority . In order for change to occur the common people must use disobedience to fight the injustice in their society to promote social progress.

There have been certain individuals and events that have been present in our history that have embellished the importance of disobedience. In the speech “The Ballot or the Bullet” by Malcolm X states , “ Any time you demonstrate against segregation and a man has the audacity to put a police dog on you , kill that dog ,kill him,i'm telling you,kill that dog.“ X indicates that you must use violence to fight for justice.This validates Wilde’s claim that disobedience is a man virtue because once your natural rights are violated you are granted with the authority of defending them .Once an immense amount of change occurs, they will realize that disobedience is the successful way to make social progress . With activiste being aware of the following consequences the overall goal was to seek for change. Martin Luther King jr. was a civil rights activist during the civil rights movement . In his letter from the

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