
The Importance Of Civil Rights

Better Essays

Civil rights: guidelines created to prevent people from being treated unfairly by government or other individuals. These were significant because it protects us so we aren’t mistreated
Coverture: law that denies any form of a woman's identity that is different of their husband’s. This was significant because it enforced the idea that women needed men, and that women were like property.
Equal employment opportunity commission: A Federal Agency created in 1965, which advocated for civil rights laws dealing with the work place. It was significant because it made sure there was no discrimination in the workplace.
De facto segregation: Segregation that exists due to social factors and patterns. For example, segregation in housing patterns. This is significant because it basically stated that segregation is simply reality regardless of if the government allows it.
Equality of opportunity: Everyone is given the same opportunity to compete and achieve. This is significant because it disregards discrimination and gives everyone an equal chance.
Civil rights commission: Was created by the CIvil RIghts Act in 1957. It is an independent, bipartisan federal agency, dedicated to reporting on, investigating, and making recommendations concerning civil rights issues. It is significant because it plays an important role in promoting and protecting civil rights.
Jim crow laws: State laws that required public facilities to be segregated based on race. Ultimately was ruled unconstitutional.

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