
The Importance Of College Education

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Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved learning. I used to read anything in front of me, even the Spanish labels on shampoo bottles. Naturally, I was set on not stopping my education at a high school diploma. Therefore, going to college has always been a goal of mine, and I’m finally able to fulfill that goal. I’m very thankful for the opportunity to expand my mind and discover new information. However, as I’m getting older, I realize that fulfilling my college goal is not the only reason I chose to pursue a college degree. New reasons have arisen. For instance, I need a higher education to work in a medical field, and going to college is something that feels obligatory. How apathetic are these reasons, though? Growing up so often steals curiosity and passion, which I find disheartening. So, I have decided to fight that, and I will fight by reflecting on not only the economic reasons I started college, but also on remembering my enthusiasm for learning, my desire for self-improvement, and the eternal implications of my decisions. As aforementioned, college is something I felt obligated to attend. My parents, teachers, and even classmates would often comment on my success in school and state I should be a doctor, a lawyer, or some other highly educated professional. Even though I didn’t feel as smart as they were telling me I was, I still felt pushed to fulfill their expectations of me. I felt as though I would let everyone down if I didn’t get a doctorate, and I

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