
Why I Chose To Go To College

Decent Essays

I am determined and ambitious, but if you are expecting a more formal introduction, I am Winter-Noelle Grant. I hail from a small, yet developing city in north Louisiana called Shreveport. I am a rising sophomore and biology major at Fisk University. Though I am indecisive about my future professional goals within my major, one goal that has remained consistent for the past fifteen years is my desire of becoming a professional dancer; preferably a National Football League cheerleader. When I graduate from Fisk, I have high hopes of being accepted into a graduate program, dental school, or medical school and starting a non-profit organization specifically for minority, high school females. In the future, I plan on either specializing in pediatric dentistry or becoming a pediatrician. I have an immeasurable passion for children and the wellness of others, so being able to heal others is rewarding. …show more content…

Going to college after completing my secondary education was never a questionable decision. My mother was a first generation college student, mother at the age of fourteen, and had been married, divorced, a mother of three girls, and earned a Master’s degree all by the age of thirty-three. Being an educator and certified counselor, my mother soon realized how powerful education was and how detrimental higher education is later in life. Because of the nine year age gap between my eldest sister and I , I often found myself touring college campus at an early age. I have always been intrigued with school and soon grew fond of the sciences and math, even though I tend to excel academically in the art and language department. I often times find myself amazing in the complexity of the human body from the brain to the most complicated explanations of human

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