
The Importance Of Cursive Writing

Satisfactory Essays

It is common now that young students are not taught to write in cursive at school, due to the educational program known as Common Core. It is true that we live in a society that is evolving more and more each day to rely on technology, but that is not an excuse to skip over the basics of what we have relied on for centuries. Cursive writing may seem useless to some, but it truly is practical and helpful for all individuals.
Research has shown that there are links between cursive writing and fine motor skills, which are important for healthy brain function and developement. "Typing and printing by hand require individual rather than connected movements like cursive requires. Neither typing nor printing involve communication between both …show more content…

Without the ability to read cursive, a lot of these small notes from long gone relatives have the potential to be completely lost in time. It is also important to look at the accessibility to certain resources when deciding the importancve of something. We all have access to early education, but not everyone is going to have access to technology. When we refuse to teach handwriting because of the belief that it is obsolete, we are effectively cutting off young people from accessing a multitude of information. Times may be changing to value typing and computer technologies more, but it is true that at this current time, older generations look down upon younger generations for not knowing cursive writing. It is something that causes a generational gap and causes loss off opportunity due to pressumed stupidity, and a lack of understanding that young people today are not being given the same basic skills and knowledge.
Of course it is safe to claim that technology will develope to the point where we may have apps on our cellphones to scan cursive writing and turn it into print, but this relies so heavily on computers. There is a certain depersonalizing aspect that comes with our reliance on technology. As a society we have become obsessed with the newest update on cellphones, computers, TV, and other gadgets; on its own, this is not problematic, but our reliance on this could make it so. It is not that

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