
The Importance Of Dehumanization In The Holocaust

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Dehumanization means to deprive one of their human qualities. Dehumanization is a very harrowing act that the Nazi soldiers used to create fear in the Jews. After creating this fear in the Jews, the Nazis would force them to obey their orders. The fear that comes from dehumanization makes one more likely to obey, because how can someone take a stand and say that they are not going to listen when they have been brought down to a point where they feel as if they are nothing. By using Dehumanization, the Nazis were reducing the Jews to no less than objects, positions which meant nothing to them, belongings that were just a nuisance. In Night, it is quoted that “I was nothing but a body. Perhaps even less…” (pg. 52). The minorities of society fell victim to dehumanization at the cruel hands of SS guards and the inhumane camp where they were held captive for what seemed to be endless periods of time.
The Jews were dehumanized by first being stripped of their rights as a human and their identities. A quote from Maus I states that, “They registered us in … They took from us our names.” (pg. 6) The Jews were forced to be stripped of their clothes as a form of public humiliation. By doing this, they made everyone feel as if they were worthless and that they were not special in any type of way. The Nazis mowed people down in a “Holocaust of Bullets” and also subjected Jews to horrendous public humiliation by forcing them to strip in the streets. In the concentration camps the Jews also had to go through the process of getting all their hair cut off. The Jews were also dehumanized by taking away their ability to work thereby making them dependent on the state. They then segregated them and "branded" them with the star of David making the individual feel like a foreigner. As time rolled on, and most Jews did not have the ability to work or leave their ghettos, their habitations became so foul and poor that in many areas of Eastern Europe the word "Jew" was almost synonymous with lice and typhus. Furthermore, the media branded them as rats and sub-human. This undoubtedly had an effect upon how they viewed themselves. In a sense, it took away their will to resist or fight. However, there are a lot more reasons than

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