
The Importance Of Drug Law

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A Chance to Change Research shows that every hour, a baby is born addicted to opiate drugs. Every state should implement the Tennessee statute to reduce the following risks- neonatal abstinence syndrome, costly expenses, and life-long complications for the child. Tennessee is the first state to recognize the importance of criminalizing pregnant drug users who threaten their unborn child’s life. Tennessee is implementing a statute to determine whether criminalizing pregnant opioid users will benefit the social problem. As Gaspari says, “The Tennessee statute provides that a woman can be charged with a misdemeanor if her baby is harmed as a result of her illegal use of narcotics during pregnancy” (99). Eighteen states consider opioid use …show more content…

Neonatal abstinence syndrome is caused by a drug dependency. When the baby birthed by an addict is born, they soon experience a drug withdrawal. “The withdrawal occurs the moment the baby is detached from the mother’s umbilical cord” (Gaspari 97). Newborns experience low birth rates, seizures, feeding intolerance, and the commonly known shaking- tremors. Symptoms of the syndrome include vomiting and rapid breathing. To treat babies born with addiction, doctors must give them what they horrifically need, opioids such as morphine or methadone. On the other hand, not all babies exposed to opioids go through withdrawal, which is why Yale is evaluating other methods of caring for newborns struggling with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
At Yale’s NICU, doctors are searching for a way to care for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. However, there is no certain explanation on how to care and treat for the babies. “Usually they’re whisked off to the NICU and treated with opioids. These drugs ease symptoms, but [the] prolong exposure to really powerful and potentially dangerous medications” (Rosen). In addition, there is no national protocol for neonatal abstinence syndrome. Doctors at Yale are starting to question the method of care. As a replacement for giving newborns opioid drugs such as morphine or methadone to ease withdrawal, they believe parents are the solution to the babies’ health. Research found by Yale pediatricians suggests that parents are the best

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