
The Population 's Opioid Epidemic Essay

Decent Essays

Background Tennessee is one of the states hit hardest by the nation’s opioid epidemic which began about 20 years ago and had a stark increase since 2009, now reaching unprecedented levels across the county with a 200% increase in the rate of deaths involving opioids (Rudd, Aleshire, Zibbell, & Gladden, 2016; Fletcher, 2016). In Tennessee specifically, it is estimated that about 1 in 6 abuse opioids; the CDC estimates that for every one person who dies from an opioid overdose in Tennessee there are 851 others in the state who are in various stages of their abuse, misuse, and treatment; and the most recent statistics show that opioid overdoses alone make up about 7.7% of deaths in Tennessee, making them responsible for more deaths than car accidents in the state (Botticelli, 2016; Rudd, Aleshire, Zibbell, & Gladden, 2016; Fletcher, 2016; ONDCP, 2016; Thompson, 2016). Along with the opioid epidemic came the rise of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), which is a condition where a woman who is addicted to drugs (which can include even prescription opioids) gives birth to a baby who is dependent on a substance and the baby experiences (drug) withdrawal almost immediately after the umbilical cord is cut, making NAS a significant public health problem, especially in Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama (BlueCross Blue Shield of Tennessee, 2016a; BlueCross Blue Shield of Tennessee, 2016b; DOH, n.d.; Patrick, Davis, Lehman, & Cooper, 2015). Each of those

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