
The Importance Of English As A Second Language

Satisfactory Essays

The objective of this work is to define the importance of English as a second language. This work focuses in the little importance that the majority of Puerto Ricans give to the language. English is taught in all the schools as a requirement, it is mandatory. It is taken for granted by many people because they think they don’t need to learn English since they live in a Spanish speaking country. However, this language is very important since it 's a global language, spoken all over the world. Knowing English as a second language helps you relate and understand the English culture and gives diverse employment opportunities. Approximately 1.5 billion people around the world speak English, it is also known as the business language. Through the use of graphics, investigations, articles and statistics I will explain in this work the reasons of why English is important as a second language.

English as a second language
In Puerto Rico under the sovereignty of Spain, the history reveals that “hunger and poverty left islanders dependent to unofficial economic relations with the United States, thus initiating a gradual usage of English even before the invasion of United States” troops (Canino, 1981; López-Yustos, 1997; Torres, 2002). After the invasion of the United States in 1898, they implemented English as the vehicle of the general education in the curriculum of the Puerto Rican public school system. Since that point of the called “Era of Americanization”, the

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