
The Importance Of Fate In Oedipus Rex, By Sophocles

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Have you ever been affected by someone else's decisions? Well in the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles’, that's exactly what happens to Oedipus. The play is filled with suffering and a fate that Oedipus cannot run from. But this fate that Oedipus was running from was not his fault, this fate isn't something he can change by making the right decisions. Sadly for Oedipus his fate was already decided before he was born. As it always has been and as it always will be fate is stronger than free will. Although this is true this almost never stops someone from trying to fix the mistakes that lead to this fate even if the mistakes that lead to it weren't their own. It is impossible to change one's fate when that fate is caused by someone else. If only Oedipus could have gone back and fixed his father's mistake but sadly he cannot. His fate was decided when his father Laius refused to obey the gods commands. For a punishment to Laius he was told by the gods his family line needed to end otherwise him and his family would suffer an unfortunate fate. Although he did not listen Laius and his wife Jocasta did try to fix their mistake by pinning his ankles as soon as he was born and sending a servant to kill their son Oedipus. “My son, poor defenseless thing he never had a chance to kill his father. They destroyed him first” (945-947). Little did they know once they tested the gods no matter what they did they could not change their fate. The question of is this Oedipus’ fault is

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