
The Importance Of Flag Burning In The United States

Decent Essays

There has been a lot of controversy weather during the American flag is right or not. In this certain situation, a group of students gathered at a park to protest terrorism. During this, some students got out of hand a set the American Flag on fire. The students had a permit to protest however they did not have a permit to burn the flag. Therefore, all participants got arrested by the police. While some people feel it's wrong to burn the country's flag, others say it isn’t since it is protected by the first amendment. Burning the American flag is protected under the First Amendment. In 1969 and 1989 the high court ruled that flag burning was protected under the constitution and you will not get arrested if you participate in this.This part of the first amendment has been brought up many times because many people have different stand points. In both cases “Texas v. Johnson in 1989, and US v. Eichmann in 1990 the Supreme Court ruled that flag burning was a form of "symbolic speech" protected by the First Amendment. The ruling came after an appeal from Gregory Johnson, who had been convicted by a Texas court of violating a state law that prohibited the "desecration of a venerated object" such as the US …show more content…

In both cases “Texas v. Johnson” and “US v. Eichman 1990” the court has won 5/4 decision. Even though they won for it to become legal it was very close. This shows that almost half the judges wanted it to be illegal. Also our new president Donald J Trump wants to ban flag burning. Donald Trump tweeted in November, "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! (CNN) According to NBC news a recent poll done on November 30th shows that sixty five senators over one hundred voted for a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. Major political republican and democratic figures backed up this

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