
The Importance Of Freedom In America

Decent Essays

Austin—a city renowned for its strives towards liberation—glimmers as a hub of cultural vibrancy in Texas. This city excludes itself from the conservative frame of mind that is deeply embedded within Texan culture, and its people celebrate the freedom to explore their human identity through self-expression. The live music here charms listeners, drawing them out to bars, clubs, backyards, garages, churches, and concert halls, filling the air with harmonies that comprise the spirit of Austin. Performers use themselves as instruments to highlight aspects of the human condition, inciting a sense a unity between the viewers and the performer. Assemblages of visual artists and artisans attempt to make sense of their world through their work. As …show more content…

Furthermore, as Austin grows, gentrifiers are heavily displacing the local residents that have contributed greatly to the Austin culture, particularly African-American and Hispanic residents on the eastside. As the gentrification process rapidly changes Austin’s demographic, the cultural climate also changes, but incoming businesses are often seeking to commodify and profit from the culture of the displaced, while new occupants are attempting to imitate it.
I was inspired to create this book while observing the changes in the East César Chavez area, which clearly displays the effects of gentrification. I’ve come to understand that an impetuous influx of commercial businesses and affluent newcomers are uprooting and displacing local residents by the masses. I named this book For Sale: 787XX because the East César Chavez neighborhood resides in the area code 78702, and the area seems to be attractive real estate for wealthier incomers. Yet, this issue isn’t unique to just this neighborhood but a great number of areas on the East side of Austin so I decided to omit the last two numbers on in the area code to highlight these areas as well.
Many of these incoming occupants are Caucasian—or European-American, for the purposes of this book—and this process of acquiring occupied territory strongly resembles imperialism. Although I am not attempting to assert that this process is directly driven by racist ambitions, race and ethnicity are not

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