
Aristotle And Jesus Relationship Essay

Decent Essays

If you were to ask Jesus Christ whether he has friends, he would most likely say of course I do, I am certainly friends with all of God’s children. However, after reading Aristotle, the question becomes, ‘If Jesus has friends, of which sort are they?’. Aristotle defines friendship as, “Any association of people who spend time and do things together, share in pains and pleasure, and wish for each other’s good,” (Nicomachean Ethics 1166a 1-10). Addressing each aspect of this definition, with the twelve disciples in mind, the reader concludes that they certainly spend time together, share in pains and pleasure, but the sticking point is whether they wish for each other’s good. The answer to that question determines if in fact Jesus has friends what sort they are. There is a multitude of evidence presented in the Gospel of Mark that seems to indicate that Jesus is incapable of having friends. First, it is nearly impossible to consider the relationship between Jesus and the people he heals as friendship. Furthermore, the people that he heals often ignore his directives and, after healing somebody “Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it,” (Mark 7 36). It is difficult for a friendship to exist between a doctor and patient, the difficulties would be further compounded if the doctor gave the patient directions which were brazenly ignored. After eliminating the possibility that Jesus is friends with the people he

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