
The Importance Of Government In China

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June is nominated as the LGBTQ(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) Pride Month when people in the LGBTQ community celebrate their identity and LGBTQ-friendly people show their support to them. However, LGBTQ issues, especially in social media, are still under strict monitor and sanction from government in China. In June, 2017 in Beijing, new regulations implemented policies to prohibit portrayals of homosexuality. The China Netcasting Services Association (CNSA) employed “professional censors” to “take down any considered not sticking to the correct political and aesthetic standards” (“China, par.1). Aiming at acknowledging citizens more knowledge about LGBTQ community, NetEase News of China published videos about LGBTQ community’s …show more content…

However, I hesitated to take initiative in exploring transgender issue, fearing that I would be deviated from mainstream values. I could not imagine how transgender people feel about themselves. What challenges they face in reality? And what kind of person they are if we look beyond their “gender”? I knew literally nothing about transgender people, until I met Wen.
It was in the first semester in 11th grade. The day started just like any other with my classmates slowly filing in to the classroom. Those students already in their seats were chatting when suddenly a silence spread through them as something caught their attention.
It was my classmate, Wen, who had always seemed a little introverted but otherwise perfectly normal. He walked into the room with a calmness that defied the shocked faces fixed on him. His mustache shaved off, he wore the skirt and blouse uniform the girls of our school wore.
The discussion amongst my classmates raged through the morning. As I began to acclimate to the situation, I became confused and even indignant in response to Wen’s actions. “Why is he dressed like a girl? How dare he?” I posited as I silently deliberated with myself. On the one hand, it seemed like common sense to me that guys shouldn’t wear skirts, while on the other hand, I had always thought of Wen as really nice guy who was always kind and helpful

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