
The Importance Of Homelessness In The Community

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Nails, and janitorial jobs aren’t ideal, especially for a large family of five. Growing up, money has been an issue because both my parents immigrated here during the Vietnam war when they were merely adolescents with little education. We have always been classified as low-income with little hope of moving up, and without financial aid, I would not be attending a University today. Although, I struggled with money and constantly moved homes that gradually decreased in size, I have continuously been content and never been left starving, or living in the streets that many people must go through. In my community, I often see the same shirtless man, standing at a street corner with a sign, "Will work for some food". This unbearable sight left me to notice that the world is unjust. I believe a social change that is worth advocating for is significantly reducing the number of homelessness in the world because no one deserves to suffer from hunger. This exposure marked a realization that serving society and working in the public health field is my aspiration.
I applied my experience to high school and initiated a club called HOPE, which stands for Helping Out People Everyday. I provided young minds the opportunity to voluntarily help people in need, with the intention to ingrain the sense that helping others should be second nature. I spent Saturday nights with my club preparing food and distributing them to individuals residing at the Urban Angel's homeless shelter in San Diego,

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