
The Importance Of Human Behavior

Decent Essays

Human behavior plays a role in one’s everyday life. Humans form an opinion about one another based upon behavior. When having a conversation with a person, it could be considered rude or thought to be hiding something if eye contact is not made. Behavior is not always the same throughout life, it can vary. Early childhood experiences, future expectations, and beliefs have the greatest impact on human behaviors. Early childhood experiences play a role in the various factors in one’s life. A large-scale example of how early childhood experiences affect human behavior greatly is the “wild child”, Genie. Genie was not given any love or affection as a toddler, was strapped in a chair, and was forced into silence by her father. Genie could not walk properly, was incontinent, and could only speak a few words. Genie did not experience emotional support and typical childhood activities nearly all children in the United States experience. Perhaps if Genie would have received love and support and was able to play like a normal child when she was a toddler, she could have thrived. A personal example would be my passion for being outdoors. When I was younger, my parents would always tell my step-brother, step-sister and I to go play outside. We were always outside jumping on the trampoline, riding bikes, or just running around playing made up games in the yard. Now, I enjoy being outdoors doing things like taking my dog for a walk, riding a bike, or just sitting down and enjoying the

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