
The Importance Of Innovative Care For Chronic Disease

Decent Essays

Chronic disease is a persistent condition that has a significant health burden on the individual. The World Health Organization (n.d.) states that chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic respiratory diseases constitute to 60% of all deaths, making it one of the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the world (Session 1). Health care systems have evolved in response to treating acute illnesses. However, the complexity of chronic diseases requires more than just the conventional acute approach of care, chronic illness requires ongoing management across time. To address the dramatic increase in chronic conditions, World Health Organisation have created Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework, a …show more content…

Continuum of chronic disease is a patient-centred system of care that provides continuous service and support at all levels of health to achieve wellness by treatment, prevention, awareness and education (Learners Resource, n.d., p.13). The context of people’s lives such as their personal, social, economic and environmental circumstances impact or contribute to their health and well-being. These modifiable and non-modifiable determinants may include low income, poverty, poor education, poor access to health services and unemployment. Without support to address these modifiable issues many will be at a disadvantage which could result in poor outcomes and impact negatively on health and well-being (Learners Resource, n.d., p.14). The burden and consequences of chronic disease have a range of impact on an individual’s quality of life, their family, and the community. A chronic disease that affects a person’s mobility such as a stroke may have difficulty performing basic tasks such as feeding or showering and may require assistance or care. The inability to perform certain tasks or control of their body could have an emotional and psychological impact on their well-being and lead to a mental health disorder, inadvertently affecting their

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