
The Importance Of Living In My Life

Decent Essays

Sometimes in life, growing up can in fact be difficult. We must face challenges that can sometimes be difficult to overcome, we have to persevere, and overcome the obstacles we have, however when you are born with special needs like Autism, it can be harder to overcome these obstacles. Living in the same household with my brother, Declan O’Neill, who since a young age has had to deal with Autism. Which makes things that is easy for us to do, like talking to people, and socializing, more difficult for him because he is afraid he will be judged. An event that will forever change my life is growing up with someone who is on the spectrum. To watch him grow and persevere and work hard and to try his very best to do things that we at often times, think is effortless and is easy to do. Things like getting up in the morning and talking to parents about how your day went and asking teacher if you are confused on a homework assignment. I also, living with him, have got to interact with people who also have disabilities, because my brother went to schools for students who are also Autistic. Watching how they react and how they talk to each other is truly fascinating. This sparked something in me because I experienced a once in a lifetime experience. I learned so much about what it is like to be on the spectrum after going to numerous therapy sessions, Informational school meetings and just watching him grow truly educated me about this topic. So, this in terms, changed my life

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