
The Importance Of Memory In Lois Lowry's The Giver

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As human beings, we live our lives in the present. We additionally dispense a considerable measure of time anticipating what's to come. Nonetheless, our understandings are often influenced by the past. The snapshots of influential events from our past make up our memory and guide our future in many ways. Despite what might be expected, in Lois Lowry’s ‘The Giver’ memories are a non-existent thing. Simply envision it. No war. No hate. No emotional depth. No jealousy or competition. There are entirely no memories of what life was like before. In actuality, it is precisely ‘memory’ that enables individuals to draw from their past to give sentiments on the significance of ANZAC day being a ‘National Anniversary’ in Anna Clarke’s article, ‘From waning interests to our most important day’.

A standout amongst the most imperative topics in ‘The Giver’ is the essentialness of memory and the danger it postures against reality. At some point before ‘sameness’ the past Elders decided to eliminate all pain from their lives. To do so, the Elders had to give up the memories of their society’s collective experiences. Not only did this enable the community as a whole to forget all of the pain that had been suffered throughout human history, it also prevented members of society from wanting to engage in activities that could have potentially led to conflict and suffering. In doing so this also forced the Elders to eliminate nostalgia for the things the community gave up in order to live in

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