
The Importance Of Military Necessity

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The term ‘military necessity’ has often been used throughout history to describe scenarios where a country needed justification for their actions, or a loophole allowing them to act. In Italy during World War II, Hitler ordered the invasion of a Benedictine abbey, Montecassino, in order to gain access to Rome. During the fight against the Axis powers, the Allied powers attempted to prevent damage to Montecassino during the fight, unless it interfered with what they deemed a military necessity (Hayashi, “Contextualizing Military Necessity”). “Military necessity’ in regards to the dropping of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified, as opposed to Montecassino. This is because military necessity dictates that in the event of extreme circumstances security concerns supersede possible ethical considerations (Hassner, “Military Necessity”). In Italy, the term’s use was subjective, but in Japan, the United States had to utilize it. Avoiding lives that would have been lost in the invasion of Japanese home islands, Japan’s Mobilization Law of 1938 and total warfare, and rising tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union all contributed to the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki being a military necessity. The decision to drop the bombs, coined “Fat Man” and “Little Boy”, saved Allied lives that would’ve otherwise been lost in a combat invasion in Japan. The bombs paved the way for the conclusion of the war, and thus saved lives that

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