
The Importance Of Music In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Music curriculum in the public-school system is something that is often supported but is not enforced. Music curriculum is important because of all of the cognitive benefits that can be obtained but due to it not being enforced, many students choose to opt out of music classes. Schools should enforce continuous music curriculum throughout a student’s educational career because of music’s ability to improve brain function and development. Continuous music curriculum leads to physical changes in the brain that include increased grey matter, which can lead to cognitive changes such as speech, language, and memory and an increase in the size of the corpus callosum which leads to an increase in overall intelligence. All though it is not always enforced to take music classes, many public schools in the United States have music classes that are available to take. These classes can range from choir, band, or orchestra to studying music theories and music history. According to NPR Music, “Music instruction was available in almost all public secondary schools with the actual number given at 91%” (Pellegrinelli). Some schools require a fine art credit to graduate, which would include music, but not many require continuous music curriculum throughout the student’s time in school. When the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was introduced, schools began to focus more on core classes and less of fine art classes such as music. NCLB required states to rate schools on their test results in

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