
The Importance Of My Career In Education

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If you told my high school teachers that I graduated college they would have chuckled at the thought and I wouldn't blame them. I did not grow up with the lifelong dream of becoming a physician assistant. Honestly, I did not even know such a position existed.When I was younger I never really thought of any profession or what I wanted to do when I “grew up”. I just knew somehow, some way I wanted to “make it”. To “make it” wasn’t really defined. It was an arbitrary thing that my friends and I said to each to each other that sounded right, after all we all just want to “make it”. I was told to go to college, but I didn’t know why. Growing up in a household where education was not a priority, and being the child of parents who never attended college themselves. My collegiate journey is one of my own accord. When starting college, being a P.A wasn’t a thing to me. After serving in the Navy for 4 years, I decided I would go back to school — I still didn’t really know why. I was going to “make it”, but unfortunately that didn’t sound right anymore. During my 2nd year of college, my mind was focused on getting a degree, and I not settled on a profession. I picked Fitness Specialist as my major. It would be this semester that would change my career path of prospective. I would meet my most influential Professor to date. The things my professor said were so fascinating. The amount of knowledge he had was simply unreal. Not just about the human body, but about life.

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