
The Importance Of Oral Health, It Is Still Neglected By Most Individuals

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Although people are aware of the importance of oral health, it is still neglected by most individuals. According to Vanderbilt, Tlsringhausen, and Bonwell (2013), improper oral health not only increase the chances of being diagnosed with diabetes, it leads to other health complications such as premature birth, and negative birth outcomes (para.1). Since low-income adults cannot afford to get regular dental check-ups, they are more likely to have these diseases and health complications. Vanderbilt, Tlsringhausen, and Bonwell (2013), also state in their article that “more than 47 million people in United States are currently living in places where it is difficult to access dental care” (para.1). These people do not have access to dental care …show more content…

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Low Income Floridians with Poor Oral Health

Oral health is very important and in Florida, this is becoming a big issue because many people cannot afford to have regular dental checkups. According to Ghenshan (2012), in Florida, more than 115 thousand visits were made to the Emergency Room in 2010, which were related to dental problems (p.3). This means individuals are having a difficult time paying for everyday expenses and as a result, they are not going to have money to be able to pay for a dental visit. People going to the emergency room for dental care means that they are not getting regular dental check-ups or participating in any preventative dental care (stopping the problem before it actually happens). According to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) (2015), Florida is a poor state that shows a rank of 36th in the rich states and has approximately 17 percent of its population living in poverty (Poverty Map).This is a high rate of number of people who do not have the money to access dental services. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2014), about 30 percent of the population lives in poverty in Miami and about 40 percent of individuals, under the age of 65, do not have any health insurance (QuickFacts Beta). If individuals do not have health insurance and dental insurance it leads to lower check-ups and increases the chances of being diagnosed with

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