
The Importance Of Physical Fitness Among Children

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Introduction The importance of physical activity remains crucial throughout one’s entire life. An individual's physical fitness begins at the early stages of youth and is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle in their future. There is currently 38.1% of American children age 2-19 that are either obese or overweight. (Myoungock & Whittemore, 2015). Since obesity among children is a growing phenomenon, physical fitness can ensure that children are preventing diseases for their future. Today 70% of American children age 5 to 17 that are obese or overweight have at risk factors for a least one cardiovascular disease (CVD) and another 39% have two or more risk factors (Myoungock & Whittemore, 2015). A lack of physical fitness is a growing issue within the US and nowadays children aren’t meeting the necessary fitness recommendations per day. “Recent recommendations for physical activity among children… includes at least 1 hour a day… 8% of American adolescents meet these recommendations.”(Cradock, Ichiro, Molnar & Pabayo, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to further the knowledge of parents, guardians and health care providers of the mental and physical health concerns associated with no physical activity performed in younger children. This will be shown through the barriers and and challenges children and their parents face together. With heightened costs of organized sports programs, safety issues, and stress caused by conflicts between the parent and child, strategies to

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