
The Importance Of Professional Values Within A Professional Relationship With A Service User

Better Essays

Reflective writing provides a good foundation for professional development, for both student nurses and registered nurses (Benbow & Jordan, 2013). This reflective essay will look at the importance of professional values in establishing a professional relationship with a service user. This reflection is based on an experience I had on my first clinical placement as a student nurse, working in a mental health setting within the North West of England. In order to comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Confidentiality (2015), I will protect the service user’s identity by referring to her as ‘Patient A’. Reflection is defined by Howatson-Jones (2013), as “a way of examining your experience in order to look for the possibility of other explanations and alternative approaches to doing things” (p. 6). The practice of reflection is important for numerous reasons. As stated by Hargreaves and Page (2013), reflections promote good practice and in the occurrence of a difficult or challenging situation, they can help to identify where things went wrong and how to improve the outcome for future incidents. As identified by Jasper, Rosser and Mooney (2013), reflection offers benefits to both the patient and the practitioner. Practitioners are more likely to avoid routine practice, continuously develop their knowledge and identify faults to improve on. Patients are more likely to receive higher standards of safety and better quality of care There are a number of different

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