
The Importance Of Racism In America

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Racism has always been one of the world's major issue because racism has always been part of our nature, many people are not aware of how it impacts our everyday life, American history still impact race relations today, because we’re still treated differently. America was built on hierarchy. Others came to accept the fact that racism is not bad thing, but it was a tool used by the founding fathers to build this country. Everything we do and everywhere we go, we are judge by our social and economic profile. Racism is still a major issue today in America, because there’s still racism in America, economic inequality between white and black people and also racist housing policies that prevent black people from living in certain places.
America was built on racism, so racism is still a major issue in American. How can you ignore the facts that the place where you live in was built on racism and that it affects your everyday life. In “toward a new country”, the author state that “they are solely and simply the consequence of ancient brutality, past injustice, and present prejudice”. This quote proves that even though racism was created a long time again, it's inevitably going to happen again. Because of what been done in the past, it still affects us today and would always affect us. History tend to repeat itself. And also in “when whites just don't get it”, Nicholas Kristof state that “A black boy born today in the United State has a life expectancy five shorter than of a white

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