
The Importance Of Reading Achievement

Decent Essays

One hundred and sixty-eight third through fifth grades students' at this school site reading achievement is at or below the second-grade level. Students in Grades 3 through 5 are reading two to three grade levels below expected level.
There are two areas in which the reading process is involved. These areas are word recognition and comprehension. As students become better at decoding words, the expectation is that they will develop the ability to read words quickly or automatically. Many students who struggle with word comprehension are not able to comprehend what they are reading. To try to fix this, many teachers provide phonics instruction; as a result, these students become accurate decoders, but they are never able to reach the level of proficient readers.
Frankel et al. (2016) state that reading is defined and proposed on five principles that manage its achievement. They are as follow: (1) reading is a constructive process, (2) reading must be fluent, (3) reading must be strategic, (4) reading requires motivation and (5) reading is a continuously developing skill. Frankel et al. (2016) later revised and redefined reading as literacy and updated the five principles that manage achievement to include: (1) literacy is a constructive, integrative, and critical process situated in social practices; (2) fluent reading is shaped by language processes and contexts; (3) literacy is strategic and disciplinary; (4) literacy entails motivation and engagement; and (5) literacy

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