
Religion In Life Of Pi

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The Importance of Religion in Life of Pi In the novel Life of Pi, religion is a guiding force that influences Pi throughout all of his journeys and adventures. The novel begins with young Pi living in Pondicherry, India, with his Dad, brother, and Mom all working at their zoo. The zoo went out of business and they had to sell all of the animals. Pi and his family sold most of the animals to Canada and America, but while on the way there, their boat sunk and the only people to survive was a hyena, bengal tiger, zebra, orangutan, and Pi. All of the survivors ended up on a lifeboat; however, the hyena killed the zebra and the orangutan, then the bengal tiger killed the hyena leaving Pi and a 450-pound tiger named Richard Parker on a 26 x 8 ft. lifeboat. Through a paper-work error the hunter that captured the bengal tiger switched up the names and called the tiger Richard Parker which was his name. After floating around for some time, Pi goes blind from dehydration and finds another blind man in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. As they tie their boats together the man tries to kill Pi to eat him, but Richard Parker kills him just in time and when Pi becomes able to see he is horrified by the sight of a dead corpse. After more floating Pi and Richard Parker come across an island that is coming up from nothing but other vegetation. They stay on that island for some time until Pi decides to stay the night on the island instead of on the boat. Pi finds out that the island is

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