
The Importance Of Sweeps

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The San Antonio Spurs are a team that is a part of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Spurs contain a unique identity that separates them from the rest of the teams in the league due to their different style of play. The recognition that the Spurs accumulated came from how the team played in the old days as well as how great of a team they are right now. In the league and around the world, the San Antonio Spurs are regarded as one of the best teams in the NBA. The San Antonio Spurs are the oldest team in the NBA in terms of the players age, meaning that their organization possesses many years of experience of being in the league. This also means that they have played a lot more games than the other players on the other teams. The …show more content…

A sweep is when one team wins every game in a series. A sweep is very difficult to pull off in a league where they play the best of the best, and, teams are constantly finding out ways to change their playing style in order to beat the opposing team. In the “forty years the San Antonio Spurs have been in the NBA, the team has made it to the playoffs a total of thirty-six different times,” the amount of times the Spurs have made it to the playoffs are outstanding (Quinn, History). Sweeps are very hard to come by, in fact, “sweeps do not happen very often in the NBA,” because the NBA consists the best of the best players. But not for the Spurs, in the thirty-six years the Spurs have been in the league they “have managed to sweep their series match-ups a total of eleven different times,” showing how great of a team they are (Quinn, History). Any team that manages to pull off a sweep shows the teams skills and showcases their intelligence in the game. For example, the Spurs faced off with the Cleveland Cavaliers in the Finals in 2007. The Cleveland Cavaliers are a great team with their main man LeBron James leading the way. Since the Spurs have outstanding intelligence and experience in the game “the Spurs swept the series with Bowen’s superior defense and overall team execution,” resulting in them winning their next championship (Kohout). The Spurs swept the Cavaliers in the …show more content…

Those players contributed to the Spurs team heavily so that the Spurs could win championships. In a short matter of time the world saw the “emergence of the “Big Three” – Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, and Tony Parker – as the driving force of the Spurs,” which turned the team into a super team (Kohout). These three players played a huge role in the future of the Spurs team. Additionally, the trio established an identity that powered the Spurs to be constant contenders for the championship and vicious competitors in the NBA. The Spurs have a distinct style of play that is not matched by any other teams in the NBA. With the use of their “aging David Robinson and an impressive cache of role players – Sean Elliott, Avery Johnson, Mario Elie, etc. – the Spurs captured their first championship,” because of all of the great players the Spurs acquired, they won the championship (Price). This shows that the Spurs did not have one superstar, but it was a combination of various players that had unique talents, which resulted in a balanced team which led to their first championship. Their style consists of basic fundamental plays and players do not typically initiate any flashy plays that would result in the team losing their possession. This kind of playing style benefited them in going far in the

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