
The Importance Of The Printing Press

Decent Essays

From the time human beings walked upon the earth, people have fashioned numerous inventions, which have impacted history and human everyday life. Electricity, cars, airplanes, scientific knowledge, and more, all this would not be available in the present world today, if it was not for the mighty printing press. Originated from a humble wine press combined with an old coin press, the printing press is a powerful and significant invention, which changed our way of life. The printing press reshaped the world into the planet we live today for three distinct and direct reasons. The printing press made knowledge and books available to all people, which lead to religious revolutions and the Renaissance where people began to question and create ideas and inventions. Also, it affected our education.

One of the most important reasons why the printing press changed the world is that it led to an efficient, cheap, and widely spread knowledge to circulate the world. Before the printing press, knowledge was only for the elite and wealthy, because they owned books. Additionally, people who wanted to publish their ideas or thoughts had to obtain the full permission of the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, even then, a miniature army of monks or scribes would take the ideas, and then tirelessly copy them into a book, by the candlelight. However, most of them were written in Latin, which only a few selected people could read. There also is a large possibility that we wouldn’t be here in

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